FERC Staff Tells Applicants to Save Time by Providing More Detail; Plans to Disclose More to Public
At today’s technical conference on Resource Reports 11 & 13 Guidance, FERC Staff encouraged LNG terminal developers to provide moredetailin applications and explained that, to the extent possible, prefiling submissions should be as complete as the formal application. Inviting comments on its draft guidance regarding the two resource reports, FERC Staff also requested comments on what types of information should be labeled CEII and how CEII information should be handled in the filings. Indicating that he expects FERC to continue to refine its practices regarding CEII, Richard Hoffman, Director of Gas – Environment and Engineering at the Office of Energy Projects, said he expects the Commission to further reduce what is classified as CEII. In response to questions, Hoffman said although refiling is not required for projects already in the prefilingprocess, developers that do refile and provide more detailed information likely will save more time in the regulatory review process because of fewer FERC data requests. Comments on the guidance, including the handling of CEII, are due by May 31, 2006. The notice and guidance are available at FERC’s e-Library in Docket No. AD06-4.