Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Supply for Manzanillo LNG No Longer To Be Tied to Crude Oil Pricing

As it plans to issue tenders for its proposed Manzanillo LNG facility in May or June, Mexico’s state-owned power company, Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE), says it will no longer opt for a hybrid pricing index based on an average of two crude oil and gas indices. CFE says it is dropping plans to purchase LNG at prices linked to crude oil prices because of their volatility....

Report: Pipeline From Alaska to Chicago More Profitable Than LNG Shipments to West Coast

A plan to deliver LNG cargoes from a proposed liquefaction plant in Alaska to the West Coast would be less profitable than piping the gas to the Chicago market, a report from PFC Energy says. The study, which was commissioned by the Alaska Department of Revenue, says the liquefaction project offers a netback of $3.17/MMBtu compared to a yield of $4.69/MMBtu by the Chicago pipeline...

Op-ed: Cabrillo Port Plan Unpopular With Local Communities

Alan Sanders, the conservation chair for the Los Padres Chapter of the Sierra Club, was encouraged by number of attendees at the April 18 hearing on BHP Billiton’s Cabrillo Port LNG proposal who opposed the project. His opinion piece is in today’s Ventura County Star. [Free registration...

Mexico May Export LNG to the United States

As a result of the proposed Mexican LNG terminals, a member of Mexico’s Energy Regulatory Commission has indicated that he believes Mexico will be a net exporter of gas to the United States by 2010. “By next year we will [be] exporting gas to the West Coast,” Francisco Barnes said Monday at the Ziff Energy North American Gas Strategies Conference, adding that recently...

Sigtto Confronts Challenges Faced by LNG Shipping Industry

A rapidly expanding LNG shipping sector has presented the Society of Gas Tanker & Terminal Operators (Sigtto) with new challenges, such as maintaining “the enviable safety and reliability record” of the LNG industry, says Mark Ross, current president of Sigtto and general manager of Chevron. “Due in part to unprecedented growth that the industry is experiencing,...

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