No Vote on AGL Bill
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports today that the bill that would have allowed AGL to charge its customers for the construction of a pipeline from the Elba Island LNG terminal “appeared dead” after the Georgia Legislature scrambled to pass other pieces of legislation during the final hours of the 2006 session. An op-ed in yesterday’s Daily Tribune News expresses support for Rep. Jeff Lewis (R-White), the chairman of the Georgia House committee that spearheaded the initiative, arguing that the proposed pipeline would have provided consumers with another source of natural gas and decreased prices. AGL spokesperson Robin Keegan expressed the utility’s commitment to provide “additional supply sources and the pipeline infrastructure to ensure reliable and competitively priced supplies.” Additional coverage of the bill is available in yesterday’s Platts LNG Daily. [Free registration required for access to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Access to Platts LNG Daily requires a paid subscription.]