Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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The Evolving Role of the US Coast Guard

This week’s edition of Natural Gas Week reports on the Coast Guard’s increasing role in the regulatory review of LNG terminals, particularly those located in federal waters.  “We are neither a proponent or opponent of any deepwater port project,” said Cmdr. John Cushing, who is with the Coast Guard Commandant’s office in Washington, DC. “In this...

Ships and Crews Are Vital to LNG Supply Chains

While the number of proposals for LNG regasification terminals is on the rise, Tony Bingham, Global LNG Business Manager with Lloyd’s Register Americas Inc., says the successful terminals will have a full supply chain lined up before construction of the facility is complete. Bingham maintains the shipping component is critical to the supply chain. “Many times I think that...

Residents Express Concern Over Sparrows Point LNG Proposal

Residents and activists are promising a fight against AES’ proposed LNG facility in Sparrows Point, Md. “Communities all over the U.S. have been fighting and defeating these projects for a reason,” said Dan Krepp, a member of the Greater Dundalk Alliance. The Baltimore Sun yesterday reported that some people are worried about leaks, terrorism threats, decreasing...

Passamaquoddy Tribe Express Support for Calais LNG Project

The Passamaquoddy Tribe at Indian Township, Maine are backing a regasification facility proposed by Calais LNG and Cianbro Corp., a large construction company, who jointly revealed plans for the multi-million dollar project last week before Calais City Council members and the planning board. Indian Township Tribal Councilor Liz Neptune says the terminal is the tribe’s way of...

NYT Editorial Says Public Debate on Broadwater Is Crucial to Review Process

A New York Times editorial  published yesterday says the ongoing public discourse on the potential benefits and pitfalls of the proposed Broadwater LNG terminal is necessary. The paper says that while both sides have valid arguments, the company has yet to prove that the project would benefit Long Island. “A healthy skepticism cuts both ways, and we look forward to hearing...

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