Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Stony Brook University Says It Can Provide Reliable Science Regarding Broadwater

Concluding that “very little reliable scientific data has been assembled,” the president of Stony Brook University in New York recently offered in a letter to FERC to conduct detailed research regarding “the likely success of the project, the suitability of its proposed site, [and] its probable impact on the environment.” According to the president, “such...

Residents Say LNG Proposal Would Hamper Flights and Industrialize Outer Brewster Island

The Boston Globe features an op-ed by a Hull, Mass. resident who opposes AES’ Battery Rock LNG proposal because of potential flight diversions and delays at Logan International Airport that might occur as a result of security measures for tankers entering the facility. Separately, a Cambridge, Mass. resident says an LNG terminal on Outer Brewster Island would change “an...

Opponents Erect Anti-LNG Billboard

The Patriot Ledger on Friday reported that Save the Brewsters has set up a billboard near the Fore River Bridge in protest of AES’ proposed LNG terminal for Outer Brewster Island. “It’s a national park,” says Pamela Loring, a member of Save the Brewsters. “It’s meant for the people. It shouldn’t be sold for short-term...

Op-ed: Decision in Border Dispute Expected in 2010

The News Journal columnist Harry F. Themal predicts that the boundary dispute between New Jersey and Delaware over pier construction rights should last about five years. He explores Delaware’s “excellent” record in similar US Supreme Court cases, in which Special Masters took several years to hear the evidence and present recommendations to the...

Newspaper Measures Population Along Proposed Tanker Route

Using 2000 US Census data, The News Journal estimates that 94,388 people live within 0.8 mile of the Delaware River shipping channel that would serve LNG tankers headed to proposed terminals in New Jersey or Philadelphia. The News Journal also estimates that 161,000 people live within one mile of the shipping channel, and 720,000 within two miles. The newspaper’s numbers...

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