Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Weaver’s Cove Amends LOI to Reflect Changes in Vessel Size

In a letter dated Feb. 2, Weaver’s Cove Energy notified the U.S. Coast Guard of changes to its Letter of Intent; the changes reflect Friday’s announcement that Weaver’s Cove would use smaller vessels on a more frequent basis to transport LNG under the Brightman Street Bridge to the terminal.  In its submission letter to FERC, Weaver’s Cove says that if the span...

Two Md. Counties Spar Over WGL’s LNG Proposal

Legislators in Prince George’s County are trying to prevent Washington Gas from constructing an LNG peak shaving storage tank in Chillum, Md., based on safety and security concerns. However, the prospect of lower gas prices has some lawmakers in neighboring Montgomery County in favor of the project. Responding to the safety concerns, WGL’s spokesman noted that storage of...

Researchers Call for Marine Zoning in the Long Island Sound

Researchers at Stony Brook University’s Marine Sciences Research Center say marine zoning can help answer questions regarding the balance between commercial development and environmental and public safety. “Effective marine zoning will require scientific expertise and input from the fishing, environmental, regional planning, commercial and political communities,” they...

Op-ed: Energy Alternatives Like LNG Deserve Consideration

A New York Times reader urges proponents and critics of energy development on Long Island to “await completion of the required environmental impact studies” so that they could make informed decisions. [Free registration...

Long Island Town Appears to Welcome Broadwater LNG Proposal

While the Broadwater LNG proposal is receiving mounting criticism from locals and community activists, the mayor of Greenport, N.Y. has expressed enthusiasm for the project. “If it goes through, it’s a bonanza for Greenport,” Kappell said. “This is a direct hit for our established policy for encouraging a working waterfront.” Yesterday’s New York...

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