CLF Requests Supplemental EIS for Weaver’s Cove, Predicting up to 6-Year Delay
The Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) on Friday filed a motion asking FERC to reopen the evidentiary record and prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the Weaver’s Cove LNG project. CLF says that new evidence “fundamentally changes the Commission’s analysis of alternatives” and undermines the “essence of the Commission’s Order — that Weaver’s Cove is the … quickest and most reliable source of natural gas for New England.” This evidence includes comments submitted to the Army Corps of Engineers by the Department of Interior, “drastically shortening the window of time in which dredging can occur, resulting in an expected delay of construction for up to six years.” In particular, CLF predicts that proposed offshore terminals Neptune LNG and Northeast Gateway could be in service before Weaver’s Cove. CLF also cites the decision to use smaller vessels, saying it would reduce “the total volume of LNG proposed to be delivered [and also reduce] reliability.” CLF notes that the “expected supply to the region of natural gas from Canadian sources [would exceed by] three (3) times the volume” proposed by Weaver’s Cove. CLF’s request is available in the FERC e-Library in Docket CP04-36, and comes after Save the Bay made a similar request earlier this month.