FERC Rejects Requests for Rehearing on Weaver’s Cove and Keyspan Orders
This morning FERC rejected requests for rehearing in both the Weaver’s Cove LNG and KeySpan LNG terminal proceedings. Commissioner Kelly again dissented in Weaver’s Cove, citing other sources of supply in eastern Canada, which already are under construction, and New England.
Before voting to approve the order, Chairman Kelliher expressly stated that since the FERC order approving Weaver’s Cove is not conditioned upon the removal of the Brightman Street Bridge, FERC will not reject the terminal based on the passage of federal legislation requiring the maintenance of the bridge. With regard to KeySpan, Kelliher noted that to be compliant with existing safety and security standards, KeySpan would have to take down the existing peak shaving facility for at least 3 heating seasons, and this would not be consistent with the public interest. Nonetheless, Chairman Kelliher said the Commission was rejecting the KeySpan/BG request for rehearing without prejudice to KeySpan refiling to amend its previous application if it is able to address the safety issues and propose an alternative gas service.
The text of Chairman Kelliher’s remarks is found here .
See stories in today’s Herald News, The Boston Globe and The Providence Business News.
For a video feed of the Commission’s open meeting discussing these issues, click here.