Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Quoddy Bay Launches Pre-Filing

An article in Friday’s Magic City Morning Star reports that Quoddy Bay, LLC, the company behind one of the three LNG terminal proposals near the Passamaquoddy Bay, has embarked on the pre-filing process. “We’re thrilled to initiate the structured, transparent federal permitting process to bring this significant development to Maine,” Quoddy Bay’s project...

Op-ed: LNG Is Advantageous to Clatsop County

A student at Clatsop Community College submits an op-ed about an assigned research project on LNG. The student writes that two other students “who had been against [the proposed Bradwood Landing project], now are for it,” and that all the student teams chose to present the “pro” side of the Bradwood proposal. The student says his team concluded that LNG is...

Hearing on Weaver’s Cove Dredging Request Draws Critics

Political leaders, environmentalists and residents voiced their concerns during the last of two hearings hosted by the Army Corps of Engineers to address Hess LNG’s dredging plan. An environmental consultant hired by Weaver’s Cove said the dredging initiative may take three years to finish and the depth of the channel would change from 35 feet to as much as 41 feet. Rhode...

Calpine Zoning Request Wins Approval

According to Friday’s Daily Astorian, the Warrenton City Commission approved Calpine’s rezoning request  by a 3-2 vote. The Commission will require Calpine to satisfy certain state mitigation measures and demonstrate that the proposed Skipanon LNG terminal will not interfere with fishing interests; the Commission also discussed the possibility of strengthening its...

Production Begins at Atlantic LNG’s Train 4

Bloomberg today reports that British energy giant BG has started production at its Atlantic LNG’s fourth liquefaction plant in Trinidad & Tobago. Train 4, with an estimated output capacity of 5.2 million tons per year, is owned by BP, BG Repsol and National Gas Company of Trinidad. LNG from Train 4 is destined for the Lake Charles LNG terminal through a long-term contract...

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