Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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LNG Raises Many Issues For Maine

The Bangor Daily News yesterday published an op-ed by the vice president of the Conservation Law Foundation on the environmental, safety and energy concerns surrounding LNG terminal proposals in Maine. [Access to archived articles requires a...

Cameron LNG Seeks Permission to Initiate NEPA Pre-filing Process

On December 14, Cameron LNG submitted a request with FERC to begin the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) pre-filing process with respect to the terminal expansion initiative in Hackberry, La. The project consists of the addition of a fourth LNG storage tank, which will boost output from 1.5 to 2.65 Bcd/f. The letter is available at the FERC e-Library under Docket No....

Uncertainty Over Who Will Pay for Crown Landing Security

A spokesman for the proposed Crown Landing LNG terminal says FERC is likely to render a decision on the project “some time after the first of the year,” but exactly who will shoulder the costs of safety and security measures along the Delaware River has yet to be determined. The story is in today’s News...

Shell to Acquire Additional Capacity at Elba Island

Shell today announced a deal with Southern Natural Gas Company to secure capacity in a further expansion of the Elba Island LNG terminal and on a proposed new pipeline to be built in conjunction with the terminal’s expansion. According to the press release, Shell plans to file both projects with FERC by the third quarter of 2006. The expansion is expected to be the home for...

Quoddy Bay Says Construction on LNG Project to Start in 2007

The Associate Press reports that Quoddy Bay, LLC hopes to start construction on its proposed LNG project in Pleasant Point, Maine in 2007. The facility, which is expected to come onstream in 2009, would consist of a pier, storage tanks and a pipeline, and serve Maine and portions of New England. The article is available in today’s Energy Central Professional. [Subscription...

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