Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Comment Period Initiated for Proposed Cacouna Energy Project

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency has announced the opening of the comment period on the Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Cacouna Energy Project, a joint venture by TransCanada Pipelines and Petro-Canada. Today’s Natural Gas Week has the story. [Subscription...

Analyst Says Exploration of “Unconventional Gas” Sources May Be Looming

Catherine Elder, RW Beck senior director and head of the firm’s fuels practice, says that the growing number of LNG terminal proposals in the United States stems from the idea that importing gas is cheaper than cultivating domestic sources, and not necessarily because the nation needs LNG. She prefers alternative domestic sources of “unconventional gas” such as coal,...

U.S. Energy Secretary Bodman Expresses Concern Over Energy Predicament

The warm weather in recent days has not assuaged U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman’s fear of an energy shortfall this winter season. Details are in a Dow Jones article carried via Energy Central Professional today. [Subscription...

Op-ed Says LNG Fire Scenarios Not Likely to Occur

In response to an editorial published by the Los Angeles Times on Nov. 28, a retired task force commander with the Los Angeles Fire Department says the conditions that could cause a large LNG fire are difficult to reproduce in real life. Here is his opinion piece. [Access to archived articles requires a...

Long Beach Police Dept. Official Raises Concerns Regarding Draft EIR

A top-ranking official of the Long Beach Police Department has expressed skepticism over some elements in the draft environmental impact report issued for a proposed LNG terminal to be sited at the Port of Long Beach. LB Deputy Chief of Police Tim Jackman also countered the document’s assertion that the facility would not raise public safety expenses. The chief stated that he was...

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