Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Homeland Security Test Planned In Boston Today

Aware that an unloading LNG tanker may be vulnerable to a terrorist attack, safety officials today will engage in a domestic safety exercise that demonstrates what action to take to counter a catastrophe off Boston waters. See today’s issue of The Boston Globe for details. [Access to archived articles requires a...

Community Leaders And Environmental Reps Join Forces Against Broadwater Initiative

Broadwater Energy’s proposed LNG terminal is receiving mounting opposition from a group of politicians and representatives from environmental organizations who gathered yesterday on Walnut Beach pier, according to an article published on Sept. 20, 2005 in The Norwalk Advocate. [This article is no longer available...

Public Forum on Broadwater LNG Terminal

The U.S. Coast Guard will organize a public meeting tomorrow evening  to address concerns on the Broadwater LNG project. The article is available for purchase in New London’s The...

PGW Gas Customers to Finance Proposed LNG Terminal

Philadelphia’s gas-heat customers may have to bear the costs if PGW’s plans to construct an LNG terminal don’t reach fruition. Today’s Philadelphia Inquirer has the story. [This article is no longer available...

NorthernStar LNG Pipeline Map Made Available to Public

NorthernStar Natural Gas has released a map last week of the possible path of a three-foot-wide pipeline that will run the length of 35 miles from an LNG terminal to several Oregon counties. Saturday’s Daily News has the story. [This article is no longer available...

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