Avocet LNG to Develop Deepwater LNG Port for Offshore Louisiana

TC Offshore LLC has filed an application with FERC to abandon, by sale to Avocet LNG, LLC (Avocet), its Grand Chenier System located offshore and onshore Louisiana for use by Avocet as part of a proposed Deepwater Port LNG export project.  According to the application, Avocet’s proposed project would involve a mooring system to be built in federal waters near the terminus points of the Grand Chenier System and floating liquefaction natural gas vessels (FLNGVs) located at the moorings. Once acquired by Avocet, the natural gas flow on the Grand Chenier System facilities would be reversed to a southerly direction to the offshore mooring sites and the FLNGVs, where the gas would be liquefied, stored, and ultimately loaded onto carriers for export.  Avocet is owned by Fairwood Peninsula Energy, which is also the parent company of Delfin LNG LLC, sponsor of a Deepwater Port LNG export project for offshore Louisiana.



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